We'll be staying in today, it's our laundry day. Trust me it needed to be done, it's hard to believe how many towels two people go through in a week.
Sues Daughter stopped in to visit yesterday so we didn't make it to the antique/craft shop like I'd planned.
Sue did go visit a friend with me. She really enjoys seeing old friends but I think she'd rather they come to our house because she is concerned about having an accident. That happens sometimes because of her having Crohn's Disease, we've been dealing with that for about seven years now, it seems to be getting worse. She used to see old friends a couple of times a week and talk to them on the phone daily. All that changed after she was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Now they talk on the phone a little bit, when she calls them. None of them (Except family) have stopped in since Sue had them over for my birthday. Three of the guest were leaving for an annual week long trip to Canada the next day. I thought they'd stop by and tell her all about the trip when they got back. That's what has happened in past years. So far she hasn't seen or heard a thing from them this time. I think about talking to them about how their absence hurts Sue. I'm afraid that if I do I might make them angry. In a case like that if word of the conversation somehow get back to Sue she might be upset with me. I feel a little stuck here, got any ideas?
God Bless America, God Save The Republic.
Healing after Loss
13 hours ago